I’ve been reading the book of Ecclesiastes this week and I can’t help but notice how many times King Solomon mentioned how meaningless or vain all the things we mostly clamour for can be.
It’s got me thinking how insignificant some things are in the grand scheme of life.
Now, I’m not trying to belittle issues or tell you to push important issues under the carpet rather than addressing them, but to shift your thoughts to reevaluate what is truly worthy of the time you have with your partner.
So the question is if you know how much time you have to spend with your spouse here on earth, how would you rather spend it?
Would you spend it finding faults, getting worked up over the shoes or socks wrongly placed, or the meal not well prepared?
Your answer to this question is a filter for things that are of importance as against those who are not all that. It gives us an insight to things that are worth calling out and what to overlook because of course we don’t want to spend the limited time nagging over things that won’t matter as much if the end comes.
Let’s build happy memories and as much as it’s within our power, let’s make one another’s living a positive experience. Enjoy a quiet and peaceful life, avoiding stress and unnecessary drama.
As we help each other become better versions in terms of character and habits, let’s remember to extend grace to one another and bear in mind that no one would be here forever.
P.S: This does not speak to deadly and destructive character and traits.
Written by Olabisi David
Presented by Damilare Mike David
written for REGEN