This is a continuation of last week’s #relationtipwednesday . If you missed it, pls check previous post.

While we encourage inclusion, we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to some of the reasons why some people are not practicing this. I’ll give 3 instances;

1) There were times King D would share some of his intentions and plans with me and if I had some objections I would pass it across straight on. Then he would ask me “what if I didn’t tell you to start with?”

Then I started learning to listen to understand rather than just to express my view. The concept of inclusion is not to impose an opinion but to put our heads together for the best outcome. I must also mention that it’s not every time your opinion will fly, don’t react because of this. Always pray for God’s guidance as He is the only Omni knowest.

2) There is a saying that “two heads are better than one” which was rephrased as “two GOOD heads are better than one”. I totally agree with this. Don’t cry that your spouse doesn’t practice inclusion when you don’t have anything good to offer. If you are the dream killer type, then they are better off moving in silence.

If you are the type of husband that starts to throw tantrum or do all you can to clip the wings of your wife when you get the slightest hint of great opportunities coming to her, just know she may keep things to herself.

If you are a wife that begins to make unreasonable money demands because you got to know of a contract that was awarded to your husband despite he hasn’t even carried out the project, then don’t cry when he moves in silence.

3) This particular instance would lead me to ask you a question. I heard the story of a man who claimed that if anything good is about to happen in his life, the moment he mentions it to his wife, one thing will lead to another and he would lose that opportunity. This happened more than 5 times and on realizing he started to move in silence and he only shares after he has been successful. This one weak me! My question is this, is this the best approach for such issue? What could they have done better? Pls share your thoughts with me in the comments. Thank you.

To wrap it all up, inclusion is God’s intention in marriage. Naked and unashamed! However we must be careful not to abuse this. Make valuable contributions and respect the opinion of others!

Written by Olabisi David

Presented by Damilare Mike David

written for REGEN



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