Written by Olabisi David

written for REGEN


Don’t be confusedπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„, I’m here to convince and not to confuse you that you can be together but not together.

About two years ago, King D and I decided to have a staycation. We both had some days of work leave so we took it at the same time and decided to Netflix and chill at homeπŸ˜‰

First thing was to graciously take Deedee to spend some time with family. And viola, it was just Us!

As hours went by flowing into days, I noticed something. We were both together, relaxing and all but we weren’t connecting as much as I would have loved us to. I wondered what was wrong. It wasn’t bottled up emotions neither was it any disagreement hanging in the air.

It was our mobile devices!!!!

As useful as they can be, they have the capacity to make lovebirds drift apart.

You can practically sit next to each other and not even connect one bit. Everyone may be trying to catch up on unending happenings on social media.

When you are done surfing through Facebook, you move to IG and you keep scrolling through the unending posts, and slowly time is slipping through. You sleep off while at it and resume the next morning.

This is an unhealthy cycle for your marriage.

I do not mean you should stay away from social media, I’m only saying in the midst of it all set aside a time for true connection with your spouse.

Some of us even press our phones at the dinner table.

We go on dates to restaurants or cinemas and spend the whole time pressing our phones.

We have nothing to discuss with our spouse and gradually, we are losing touch with one another.

Sit with your spouse, ask if they are genuinely happy. Talk about your dreams and aspirations. Share your childhood memories with each other. Listen to each other attentively

If we are not intentional about these moments, we may wake up one morning to realize we are now sleeping next to a complete stranger, whom we do not know at all! Stay connected!



Regen Relationship

Do you think love is overrated & complex? Care to improve your love life & marriage? Are You Constantly Experiencing Heart Break or Marital Issues? Are you about getting married soon & you need Counseling? Not to worry, #REGENrelationship Is Here To Help you simplify your love journey. WEBSITE: ALL OUR SOCIAL MEDIA LINK IN ONE PLACE: We're Damilare & Olabisi David, simply call us Mr & Mrs Regen We're Relationship, Marriage & Sex Coaches For over 8 years of running Regen Relationship Clinic, we've helped people make the best out of their love lives & saved them from looming dangers On this channel, Expect Videos on; -Choosing a marriage partner -Courtship and Dating rules -Pleasurable Sex in marriage -Relationship and Marriage counselling - Our marriage and love life (the ups and downs) Don't forget to subscribe to our channel & turn on the bell notifications so you don't miss any of our videos every Sunday by 5pm

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