Written by Olabisi David

written for REGEN


  • This may be a hard pill for some to swallow but it needs to be said anyway.
  • On KM a few days back, I read of a couple making their way into the church for the service.
  • There was the wife carrying a baby on her back, holding another in her right hand and carrying a basket on another hand.And there was the husband and daddy of the house, strolling into the church with just his Bible in his hands.
  • I wouldn’t want to assume the reason behind his action but I have seen this play out a lot of times and some of these things may never make sense to me. A husband watching his wife labour so hard but would rather not lift a finger to assist in getting things done. A wife has a lot of money at her disposal but would rather leave the man to provide through sweat and blood without offering to help.I hear things that make me leave my mouth wide open and I ask “is this also part of love?”
  • How comfortable do you feel getting home hours earlier than your wife but would rather wait for her to drag her tired self into the kitchen while you chill with newspaper? How happy and smart do you feel to watch your husband have sleepless nights trying to make ends meet, trying to get money to settle some bills when you can gladly step in? Even to the extent of watching a new mum struggling to do things around the house and you would rather look away? Haba!
  • How do you claim to love someone and watch them struggle so hard and you are in a position to help but you would rather not because culturally speaking it’s not your work?I’m not here to explain whose work is what in the home. What I am saying is that we must be selfless and flexible enough to lift burdens off each other’s shoulders and more importantly, we must never abuse those privileges.
  • What has the upper hand in your marriage? What is of more importance to you? Tradition/Culture or the happiness and peace of your spouse, the one you vowed to love and to hold?Love is simple yet demanding. It won’t be just by words, let your action speak louder.
  • The culture was made for and by the people, not people made for culture. Let’s get rid of cultures that breed selfishness and self-centeredness in our homes and embrace the true culture; the culture of love. Be sensitive to the needs of your spouse and don’t be too rigid to step in when the need arises.
  • Good morning and have a beautiful Wednesday.

#relationtipwednesday #regenrelationship

Olabisi David is with Damilare Mike David and 2 others.

Regen Relationship

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