

After spending sometime together with the one you love, the silly jokes, the random yabbing, seeing him chew so loudly, hearing her snore so loudly, getting to know how their p*o smells and the good morning scent that comes from their mouth early in the morning, there may be a little problem.

You may not realize as honour slowly flies out the door. You take their words lightly even when they mean it. You offend them intentionally because you know they will forgive you when you ask them to. You give priority to others rather than them. You go the extra mile for strangers or outsiders but won’t move an extra inch for your spouse.

You are there claiming husband or wife while outsiders are identifying the treasure that is your spouse and are regularly drawing virtues from them for a better living.

We must be intentional about cultivating and preserving the culture of honour in our homes.

In words, thoughts and actions.

Your spouse comes first before others. This would be tested and if you fail to honour your spouse and to let others know you honour them, people will dishonour your spouse too.

If there is anything special you would rather reserve for a guest, it’s important to ensure you have reserved even much more for your spouse.

I know you are both fond of each other and those naughty jokes makes it all fun together. But be careful not to cross the border that separates honour from dishonour. In all your jesting, choose your words carefully.

You must always remind yourself what a blessing your spouse is. The culture of honour starts from the mind and you will only act on what your mind has come to believe in.

Honour goes beyond kneeling to greet your spouse or calling each other mummy or daddy.

You must hold each other in high esteem and not only your spouse should know you do, let the world know.

Written by Olabisi David

Presented by Damilare Mike David

written for REGEN



Regen Relationship

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