I was searching through my WhatsApp chat history with King D looking for certain contact information he had sent me a long time ago. I’m not a hoarder but I still keep our chats from way back 😊.

Found the information and then took sometime to read through our chats then. Chai, nobody can tell me King D wasn’t a poet. He had this good habit of composing uncommon love messages and he was really good with words. He’ll send me those messages during the midnight and you know what that meant, I woke up to love messagesπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°.

Being a writer myself, your girl too no dull herself. I read some messages I also sent and I’m like “what! you wrote this girl, you’re goodπŸ˜€πŸ˜„

And then I kept scrolling, days into weeks, weeks into months, months into years….Fast forward to now! Our chat history is now, “Baby, pls help us buy eggs from Walmart on your way back”, “Baby, what do you want to eat? Let me know when you are your way home” e.t.c.πŸ™ˆπŸ€£πŸ˜„

What happened? The love is still very much alive but we have changed our method of expression. Now that we live together, we have mastered the act of expressing our love for each other verbally. We do not mince words. We say we love each other, not as a cliche word but we actually mean it. We appreciate one another’s kind gestures and express our feelings verbally.

But should that stop the text messages from coming? No! I figured that reading back those text messages in my alone time just got my heart bursting out for joy and I feel the love all over again, as new as it was at that time.

So this is me challenging all couples on my timeline. Your mode of expression of love to your spouse may have shifted as the years have gone by, but sometimes the new should not stop the old. They can still go hand in hand.

Send those random text messages expressing how you feel about him/her. Share memories from when you both started. Talk about the things that swept you off your feet then. These things though little, are capable of creating sparks that keeps the fire of love burning!

P.S 1: I have requested that King D brings back my midnight messages, but I’ve still not woken up to one though (Bombastic side eyeπŸ™„)

P.S 2: If you evaluate your “before and now” text messages, are they also like mine? πŸ˜€πŸ˜„

Stay loved up, friends!



Written by Olabisi David

Presented by Damilare Mike David

written for REGEN

Regen Relationship

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