I know that the spotlight has been on physical abuse (domestic abuse) lately, there are so many other forms of abuse that are slow killers and should not be neglected.

Often those who experience these forms of abuse feel trapped and when they express displeasure people are quick to tell them they have it better, talking about “at least he/she is not beating you”.

I agree that physical abuse is life-threatening and should be addressed with urgency but these other forms of abuse are not lesser evils and should not be condoned.

Today, let’s talk about emotional abuse. This is a very subtle form of abuse, yet capable of destroying one’s mental health.

If you do any of these, you are abusing your spouse emotionally and you should apologize and repent before it’s too late;

– Dismissing their feelings always

– Isolating them from family and friends

– Talking down on their achievements to make them feel less of themselves.

– Never apologizing when in the wrong

– Intimidating and coercing them into dancing to your tune always.

– Never listening or taking their opinion on matters that concern the family

– Silent treatment

Did I miss any other signs?

If you have been doing any or some of these ignorantly, pls stop immediately and right your wrongs. They may seem like not such a big deal but you are gradually shattering the emotions of your spouse and it could get to a point where they are unable to swallow it anymore. The consequences can be grave. Moreover, how do you claim to love someone and not care about their emotions?

Pls do not be an emotional abuser.

Next time, we’ll talk about another form of abuse. Till then, stay loving and living!!!

Written by Olabisi David

Presented by Damilare Mike David

written for REGEN

Regen Relationship

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