Written by Olabisi David
written for REGEN
Recently I was discussing with a friend how quickly our babies grow. This minute they can’t do anything themselves and then the next, they are fighting you for helping them because they want to do everything themselves.
I remember my daughter as a newborn. I had to do a lot of guesswork whenever she was crying. Check her diapers if it’s wet, feed her in case it’s hunger, rock her just maybe she’s sleepy. Problem is when you exhaust all the likely reasons for an infant crying and she still won’t stop crying. It’s a tiring phase.
It gets easier when the child can now communicate their needs. At least you know it’s candy they are crying for or cartoon.
Some adults though grown, are rather still acting like infants. You feel offended by an action, and rather than express your displeasure you bottle up and start carrying your face around. You want something but would rather be sulking around than say what you want.
One way to enjoy your partner better is when you both have mastered proper and effective communication.
Say what you want rather than frown your face around.
Express how you feel without having to be cajoled for ages.
Spare your partner all the unnecessary guesswork. It could be exhausting.
So this is a reminder for us all to remember to communicate as adults. Say what you want, talk about how you feel, and don’t turn your spouse into a mind or face reader.
Good morning and have a beautiful day ahead.
P.S: I’m just throwing it back to when DidaraOluwa Elena David turned one. It’s not her birthday, today