Written by Olabisi David

written for REGEN


I read a joke about a couple who were keeping malice and avoided any form of communication with each other.

The husband, being a deep sleeper has always enjoyed the help of his wife waking him up whenever he had an early morning appointment as she was an early riser

Unfortunately for him this time he had an early morning job interview for his dream job and needed to be up early.

He allowed pride to get the better part of him and rather than speak to his wife to wake him up, he dropped a note by her side of the bed which reads “Please wake me up by 5 am”.

Well, he didn’t wake up the next morning until 8.30 am. Angry that he had missed the interview, he stood up to go meet his wife and just at that moment, he saw a note by his bedside. It was from his wife and it read ” Wake up, it’s 5 o’clock.”

It baffles me the kind of love we claim to have for one another when we can go to any length to prove we are right and our partner is wrong when there is a misunderstanding.

We throw our kindness out of the roof and you’ll hear people say “let love stay aside now, I need to teach him/her a lesson”

Lots of people fight dirty even with the ones they claim to love. As soon as there is a fight, they withdraw the privileges they used to give freely.

Boyfriend begins to ask his lady to return the things he got her. Some ladies throw caution to the wind and start exposing information that should be kept between the both of them. It now becomes a fight of “let’s see who gets hurt the most.”

Let’s not even talk about the battle of words, everyone wants to say words that would pain the other party most. Suddenly, there is nothing good about the one you claim to love.

This is very wrong and should be totally discouraged. We must learn to practice kindness even when we don’t feel like it. Even when you don’t feel loved and would rather pay back, pay with kindness. It’s rewarding.

Refuse to be mean no matter what. When you are, it’s no longer about what they did, but about who you are.

When you have to choose between being right and being kind, please choose to be kind. Being Kind is better than being Right.

Happy New month Fam. It’s the last month in the year, it won’t be your last month on the earth in Jesus name. Amen.

Regen Relationship

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