

(Click link at the bottom of this page to read previous episode)

Last time, I wrote on “ladies who innocently fall”, but today we will be reading on “those who fall out of desperation.”

When I was introducing this series, I said “her weakness may be as a result of the things she fears or the ones she loves.

An integral part of every mature lady is “finding love”. It all begins with her awareness that she’s craved for, which the innocent and fine look in her prime give.
She’s so young, beautiful, and wanted by almost every man around; even by some other women who may need her look for business – (modeling, advert) or gender abnormally – (homosexuality).

She may not be desperate at this point but she can easily get swept away by praises (which we would discuss in the next episode). This sweeping subtly starts with teases that result in blushes

Now to the main point for today.
She may believe that trend would continue as she grows older, but alas, it might not.

Different things might result. It’s either people get too familiar with her (once crushed-on) beauty, or she may have previously messed up with males friends who are now unwilling to marry her due to her past practices/stories, or maybe she has despised good guys who could have become her potential husbands (due to how charmingly special she felt she was in her prime).

Sometimes, it could be none of the above, it could be an unfair nature or a wicked world (devil at work). Whichever among these is responsible for her delay now, she may start getting impatient, nervous and consequently, desperate.

Desperation could make her want to redeem the past or try saving her future. But most times, desperation keeps increasing her misfortune in the disguise of a promising but enduring breakthrough.

How do I mean? She gives her all to keep the man she loves or even a man she manages. Things seem to work at first but eventually get back to status quo.

“Giving her all” could involve; ” unworthily giving her body to him”, “spending her money on him”, ” housing him”, “doing the guy-chase”, committedly falling in love with a married man”, “neglecting all the danger πŸ”΄ light πŸ’‘ signs”, or pleasing a man but to her detriment.”

This state is worse than the previous, because this time, she knows she’s wrong but finds it convincing and justifiable to keep on.

The man she dies for most times is an opportunist of her “emotion”, “body”, “money”, “weakness” and “her need (love)”.

This leads me to discuss the next set of person in the next episode: “MEN, INTENTIONALLY HUNTING”

@Damilare Mike David

Previous Episode 2

Regen Relationship

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