

Achema: “Okay. I believe you. Mama, I am sorry for defiling your daughter but I am willing to make amends. I will take Justina as my wife and we will live here together. I make almost N500 from my carpentry job daily and I will work harder to ensure that I take care of her and the baby. I know that things will change for good in due course”.
Mama Justina: “Just look at who is talking. You are not even ashamed to tell me that you want to live with my daughter in this stinking room. You that don’t even have parents. Tell me, is it that your grandmother that will help you take care of her pregnancy?”
Justina: “Mama!”
Mama Justina: “Shut up! What do you know about marriage? Do you know what it means to suffer and bring up children to suffer? Okay, you are ready to marry him right? Fine, marry him. After all, what is my business? I don’t ever want to see you come back to me for help after you are married “.
Baba Justina was in deep thoughts as he is shocked to find out from his wife that her pregnancy was rejected by his prospective rich son in law. He decided to call his wife to find out their next line of action.
Baba Justina: “Iyawo mi, what do you think we should do now that Chief Agu’s son has denied the pregnancy?”
Mama Justina: “Hmm, I have also been thinking of that matter. I haven’t been able to eat and drink anything since that thing happened. I was thinking God answered our prayers by giving us a rich son in law that will take us from poverty. Now, see”.
Baba Justina: “Our daughter really disappointed me. I was looking forward to her going to higher institution and securing a good job so that she can help this family. I think she has to marry that other young man who accepted the pregnancy. It doesn’t matter if he is poor, that’s her choice. I can’t bear the shame of her putting to bed in this house. You know that I am an elder in the Church, where will I hide my face?
Mama Justina: “But that boy is very poor, my husband. Our daughter will just go there and suffer”.
Baba Justina: “She should have thought of that before getting herself pregnant. I am sending her off to him right away, call her for me “.
Mama Justina: “Anything you say, my husband. Justina! Justina! Where is this shameless girl o”.
She went inside and checked for her daughter all to no avail.
Mama Justina: “Our daughter is not inside o, I wonder where she has gone to”.
Baba Justina: “What! Did you send her out? Haven’t I warned her that she must not step out for people to notice the pregnancy?”
Mama Justina: “I didn’t send her out”.
Baba Justina: “Okay, I will be right here waiting for her. She will come back and meet me here”.
Justina took a bus to the next village. She was in company of Tolu, her friend who had told her about the doctor who is renowned for performing abortions. Even though she was scared, her determination and zeal urged her on. She decided that she will tell her mother that there was a mix up in the test results and that she was never pregnant after she must have aborted the pregnancy.
When they got to the village, Tolu stopped a bike that took them to the hospital. Contrary to Justina’s expectations, the hospital was a two room apartment with what looked like blood stains on the wall, there was a long bench at a corner of one of the rooms which served as reception. The floor was dusty and Justina could not help but notice blood stains on the doctor’s jacket and her heart flew to her mouth as they sat on the old bench to wait for their turn.
Justina: “Tolu, are you sure this man is not a quack doctor? I mean, is this the place you call a hospital? This dirty place?”
Tolu: “What is your business if he is quack or not? So long as he performs the abortion successfully, you have no problem. If the place is dirty, do you want to clean it for them? Abeg abeg”.
Justina: “You know I haven’t done this before, I am afraid. I watch and read how people die on abortion table, I don’t want to die now”.
Tolu: “Justina, what is it now? I have told you that this man is very good at this thing. Do you know how many times he has done it for me? Look around you, all these people waiting for him, are you better than them? Even married women come to him without their husband’s knowledge, so what are you telling me is that you are strong enough to open your legs for men but you are afraid to open it for the doctor to perform an abortion on you, mtcheww”.
Justina: “Since you know him well, I feel better”.
Tolu: “Better behave yourself o, don’t allow me regret bringing you here now”.
After paying the charges, the attendant called Justina to go in to the operating room. When she got in, the sight of surgical instruments sent cold shivers down her spine.
“Yes, pull off your clothes and lie down, don’t waste my time others are waiting”.
She did as the doctor instructed and he started, as one instrument after another was inserted into her, she began to scream from the excruciating pain she felt in her lower region. She felt the surgeon’s knife mutilating her internal organs. She looked down and saw herself in a pool of her own blood. She tried to get up but the pain in between her legs forced her to lie back. “Just one more cut and we will be done”, she heard the doctor say. As he slides in the last surgical blade, she felt him cutting her intestine, she tried to scream but pain choked her voice, she raised up her face to look at the doctor but in his place, she saw a blurred vision and felt life slipping out of her, as she felt her spirit leaving her body, she began to shiver out of fear of the unknown.
“Are you sleeping? Wake up and go in, the doctor said it’s your turn”, Tolu tapped her causing her to wake up.
Justina: “My goodness! Thank God it was just a dream. It felt so real I thought I had died. Tolu, I don’t think I can go through with this, I just can’t”.
Tolu: “What are you saying? How can we come this far only for you to say you can’t do it again? So, you now want to keep the pregnancy? Just get in there and let the man do it, you are wasting time”.
Justina reluctantly dragged her feet into the room that served as the theatre, she saw him and everything in the theatre exactly as she had seen it in her dream.
“Yes, pull off your clothes and lie down. Don’t waste my time, others are waiting”.
Justina froze, these were the exact words that the doctor had told her in the dream. “Could this be a sign from God?” She asked rhetorically.
“No, no, I can’t do this. I don’t want to die in the hands of this quack doctor. Not after the dream I had. Nooooooo!”
Justina ran out of the theatre to the surprise of the doctor who was preparing to get started with her. She ran into the street with Tolu trailing behind her. She wanted to run far away from the hospital and it’s death trap. As she ran blindly, she didn’t see a taxi that was coming from the opposite direction on top speed. She tried to retrace her steps but it was too late as in confusion the driver tried to apply brakes but crashed into her suspending her in the air before she landed heavily on the car bonnet. The driver in shock ran out of the car and began to shake her. Tolu who had seen how her friend was knocked came around wailing and fighting the driver.
Tolu: “You have killed my friend, you wicked man, God will punish you, what did my friend do to you that you had to kill her like this?
With the help of sympathizers, she was rushed to the hospital and Tolu went to inform her parents afterwards.
Justina stayed in the hospital for two weeks during which time her mother stayed at her side attending to her.
In her heart, Justina was grateful that she hadn’t allowed the quack doctor to perform any abortion on her. She was glad that the accident came as at the time it did because she was optimistic that having lost so much blood, the pregnancy would have been affected to. The door opened and the female doctor on duty walked in.
_Question: Will the pregnancy be affected by the accident? How will Justina react?
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