
MY WIFE: The Ultimate + Interview

Nkechi’s surgery was successful and she was discharged after Mr Churchill paid her hospital bills.
The doctor asked them to come back to hospital today for check up. Also, because they had been demanding to see the donor, the doctor told them that they would have the opportunity to meet with her today.
So they all got ready, picked Amara up from Wuse2 and made their way to the hospital.
EBUKA: you know things happen sometimes to show you the real colours of people. I can’t believe Funmi would so easily fall in love with another man! It’s really sad it breaks me thinking of it
MADAM EBERE: but you did the same if not that Amara didn’t let you. I mean, you were already making wedding plans.
EBUKA: that’s different, mummy! I am a man!
MADAM EBERE: so what? Does owning a penis give you any right owning a vagina doesnt give her?
AMARACHI: there we go! Mama has gone outrightly vulgar to drive home a very important point. Whilst I do not support what Funmi is doing right now, I can also see her points.
She was really treated like she never mattered.
NKECHI: say what you know, Amara! Who treated her like she never mattered. She was married and still running around with men! So lazy, the only meal she can cook is that slimy nasty food of hers! Very unwilling to integrate into the culture she was married in.
Please stop playing this unpaid defence role!
I’m glad she is finally out of this family!
And I’m not going to beg you to marry Ebuka anymore.
There are many fishes in the ocean and Ebuka is a skilled fisherman, if you know what I mean!
MADAM EBERE: But Amara told us she never cheated. Whatever happened was before she met your brother!
NKECHI: oh please! Believe that and believe anything!
MADAM EBERE: Oh well, I’d still prefer a cheat over that scum of the earth you call your boyfriend?
NKECHI: enough mummy! Leave him out of this!
EBUKA: I just wish I can undo a lot of things. I wish I can have MY WIFE back. She was the perfect soul mate. She stood by me when her parents wouldn’t give their consent.
She was willing to be with me at all cost!
NKECHI: oh stop the pity party and concentrate on the road! Mtchewww!
MADAM EBERE: how dare you speak to your elder brother like that! Are you going crazy! Thank your stars I’m in the front seat, you would have received a fantastic right hand of fellowship this morning. Ara na agba gi!(you Are crazy)
NKECHI: I’ll buy credit on our way home and tell brother Chinwendu how all of you turned against me?
MADAM EBERE: oh shut up and grow up!!
(They got to the hospital and Nkechi had her check up. Then the doctor asked them to come into a designated hall in the building. They all got there and sat down)
DOCTOR: Nkechi, I’m glad your wound is healing quite fast. You have actually made a better recovery than your donor.
She is still on antibiotics and her wounds are still very fresh.
I know you can’t wait to see her, but please be gentle on her. Okay?
NKECHI: I pray I am able to hold myself
DOCTOR: you must. Alright, guys I’ll go and get her.
(The doctor opened the a double door in the hall and Funmi supported on one side by Zain and on the other side by Chika, came through. For a moment, nobody said a word…)
DOCTOR: here is Zainab, the very kindhearted donor who gave you a life.
AMARACHI: wait! Am I dreaming??? Funmi?? Chika?? Zain????? what is this?
EBUKA: can someone explain to us what is going on! I’m going insane! Funmi, what’s this movie about?? Are you truly the donor??
NKECHI: somebody talk to us!!! Funmi, d-i-d y-o-u donate yo..ur..kid-ney…to..to..me??
MADAM EBERE: hieeeee! Chineke!!!!
FUNMI: (starts crying)???
ZAIN: (gently helps her to sit down) guys, I met this lady broken. When I said broken, I meant every alphabet in that word.
The most interesting part was that she still loved the people who broke her.
Like a rose she still was willing to leave a sweet smell on the shoes that crushed her.
Honestly, when I met her, I wanted to date her. I loved her in that sense. But one day I went swimming with her, a swimming that actually never happened. She poured out her heart to me.
She couldn’t go back to her parents. Her only life was her work life.
The treatment she got from you, she didn’t deserve but thank God for people like this lady right her (points at Amara) she is an angel. She sheltered her, gave her every emotional and financial support she could afford
EBUKA: Amara! Even you??? You told me you have never seen Funmi!!!
AMARACHI: ??? when I realised you were going to send her out of the house, I had to find a way to get money from you and paid for a house in Wuse2
I also wasn’t sure if she would retain her job, so i got money out of you to start a shoe business for her.
Although I told her we owned the business jointly, I actually registered it in your name and her name.
I have never used a penny of the profit on myself. I’ve got all the expenses written down. I used some to buy things for Funmi on her birthday and some I used to pay for Nkechi’s dialysis when you couldn’t afford it. I have all the documents with me.
DOCTOR: wow!
NKECHI:???? (kneels in front of Funmi) Funmi, you mean you gave me this life I am living now. Why? Despite everything I did to you? How is this possible?
How did you know I needed a kidney?
Why are you so kind. Why? Why Funmi? I hated you, and I never failed to show it whenever and wherever the opportunity presented itself
FUNMI: ???
NKECHI: say something to me? why????? how could you be such a sweet soul!
FUNMI: please stand up, remember your wounds are not completely healed. Being married to your brother meant you became my sister.
I am an only child and always wanted a sister. When I first met you, I was so excited but things didn’t work out the way I had thought.
But again, even real sister don’t always get along but that doesn’t mean they are not sisters.
I’m so happy to see you alive and well. I couldn’t have watched you suffer and die.
Amarachi, you are more righteous than I can ever be. Your acts of kindness made me do this. I wanted to pass it on in the hope that Nkechi would pass it on too so that it will carry on until the world becomes a better place.
A place full of love and kindness. A place where a person’s tribe, religion, race and colour does not determine how they are treated.
It starts with me…..
EBUKA:(hugs Funmi) I believed a lie. I never wanted to leave you but this lie came with strong and convincing evidence. I wanted to marry Amara just to get back at you and I was going to abandon her after wedding and go to France for good.
I had all my plans in place but this lady right here (points to Amara) is something else!
CHIKA: (gets down on one knee with a diamond ring in his hand) dear beloved girlfriend, Amara. I’ve been waiting for the perfect day, the perfect time and the perfect moment. What could be more perfect than now!
I remember our first date at a swimming pool, a baby nearly drowned and you quickly dived in and saved her. Since that day, you have never stopped stepping into the dirtiest mud even if it puts your life and reputation at risk.
You are the best of your kind, baby. Please will you marry me?
EBUKA: she is supposed to be your sister!!! Seriously what is going on! Who has the remote of the TV please change this channel! Amara!!!
AMARACHI: oh! My God!!! (Hugs Chika) yes I will!!!????
Ebuka, I wasn’t lying when I told you I was an only child. You were too angry to register it in your brains and Nkechi was bent on getting rid of Funmi that she didn’t remember to ask how I suddenly had a brother hehehehe! We were all playing each other
DOCTOR: guys, I’ve seen the most painful of deaths but trust me, none made me cry as much as you guys did!
My hope in humanity is restored!!
EBUKA: Do I have MY WIFE back?
FUNMI: the question should be, do I have MY husband back?
MY WIFE: The End
INTERVIEW BY MISS ROSSY (who is Rossy again)?

ROSSY: I am so pleased to have you join us on this platform today!
Thank you!

So let’s start with you, madam Bola. What do you have to tell our readers? Please keep it short
MADAM BOLA: my message to you all out there is that life is so erratic. The tables do turn quite unexpectedly. Be kind to all!
I also want to use this opportunity to tell you all that I and Adaku are now like mother and daughter.
She is due to have a baby this month and she has asked me to come to Canada and I can’t wait to do everything her mother would have done for her if she were alive.
ROSSY: awwwww! Amazing! Well, we wish her all the best and pray your relationship continues to flourish.

Zain, we didn’t see much of you in the whole story, but you definitely weren’t insignificant. What do you have to say to our readers?

ZAIN: erm, it was very hard for me to kill my initial feelings for Funmi. But I went home and tried to put myself in her husband’s shoes. Then I decided I would help her rebuild her home instead of destroying it.
My advice to everyone out there is, before you sleep with a married man or woman, think of how much damage you may be doing to their home.
If possible, help them rebuild their home. Quit being a home breaker.
It is also my pleasure to announce to you guys that I and Nkechi got engaged last week. We will be getting married in August by the grace of God
ROSSY: wow! How? We didn’t see that coming?
ZAIN: I know hehehe. After the hospital reunion, I became the family’s friend and would occasionally visit them…one thing led to another and I just fell in love with her
ROSSY: fantastic! Well, we wish you both all the best for the future. Madam Ebere, you were more or less neutral towards Funmi; how did you feel when your son broke the news that he was getting married to a Yoruba woman to you?
MADAM EBERE: erm, I didn’t necessarily hate her, and I wouldn’t say she was my favourite person in the world either.
When Ebuka brought her to the village, I welcomed her and made sure she was comfortable. But deep down, I think I wished she could understand the Igbo language so I can have some deep conversation with her.
To everyone out there, please accept whoever your child chose to spend his life with. Your duty is to give them your blessing and be a mother to both of them. Funmi has been a blessing to my household and I will forever be indebted to her.
ROSSY: Wow! Thanks for that advice. Chika! I particularly find you interesting! What were you thinking!
CHIKA: hahaha! I know Rossy!
ROSSY: how could you allow your girlfriend travel with a man! Tell us!
CHIKA: erm, my girl is trustworthy. She has been from day one, so she merits that depth of trust.
But I have to admit that things were playing up on my mind while she was there. There were times when I called her in the middle of the night just to make sure they are not having sex or something. Hahaha!
ROSSY: I can imagine! So what does the future hold for the both of you?
CHIKA: well, we will be going back to Spain after our traditional wedding a week after Zain’s. Currently, I am setting up an NGO in her name. They will basically help rebuild broken homes where possible, and where not, they would support victims to get back on their feet.
To every man out there, get a girlfriend like mine. Hahaha! Just support your girl in whatever her passion is. Cheers
ROSSY: awwww! So nice of you to have done that for her! Thank you. Ebuka! Hmmmm talk to us.
EBUKA: I actually lack words.i just want to say to everyone out there, if you find true love, keep it.
Things are not always what they look like, please verify before you crucify.
Also, it is your duty to protect your wife against external attacks. By external, I mean both families and friends.
Let me also mention that I’ve now found another job in Chevron as a managing director.
The best part is that I and Funmi are expecting our first child.
I have expanded her shoe business. It’s one of the biggest in town.
Please permit me to say a very big thank you to Amara. This lady is the reason my family is back together.
Special thanks to you, Amara and from the depth of my heart, I wish you a very successful marriage with your sweetheart, Chika.
ROSSY: awwww! Someone pass me some tissues! Okay! I need to remain professional! Dear Funmi, talk to us. By the way, pregnancy looks great on you!
FUNMI: (smiles) thanks, Rossy. It wasn’t easy being hated that much. At some point I felt Like doing that which I was accused of so that the whole ill treatment would be justified.
I would like to emphasise on the need to be careful with best friends and secrets.
Please keep some secrets with yourself. Trust no one hundred percent.
For Nkechi, I just want to say I love you and I hold nothing you did to me against you.
I would give you my kidney over and over again.
I’m so glad to be both Igbo and yoruba, and I am learning the Igbo language so I can communicate better with mama in law
ROSSY: awwwww! I must admit you are such an angel. Just trying to imagine what I would do in your shoes. Heaven help me! Hehe! Amara the girl!
Can I just say you are my namesake!
AMARACHI: awww really!
ROSSY: yes! So what made you the way you are. Not so many people will go out of their way to mend a broken home. What pushes you??
AMARACHI: my desire to see a better world. To leave the work better than I met it.
You know my initial understanding was that Ebuka needed to be rescued. Nkechi told me he was being abused by the wife, she turned him against his family bla bla. On getting there however, I noticed that it was in fact Funmi who needed rescuing so I quickly changed position.
I’m glad this family has not joined the statistics of dysfunctional families in Nigeria.
Special thanks to my fiance for his understanding and support. Only a guy like Chika can date me haha! It’s not easy knowing that your girlfriend is somewhere playing a woman of loose morals in another man’s house.
That said, I must admit that I did do certain things I wouldn’t be doing anymore this time.
ROSSY: what are those?
AMARACHI: going to France with Ebuka was just extreme. Anything could have happened. In my subsequent ones, I would device safer means to achieve my goals.
I love Nkechi, I love Funmi, I love EBUKA and I love my dearly beloved Chika more!
ROSSY: wow! Thanks you guys for letting me Into your personal lives and giving me the opportunity to share your story to the world. I enjoyed every bit of it and I have learnt invaluable lessons I wish to apply in my daily life.
Now to you, my beloved readers and followers of rossy’n’you blog, I wish to sincerely appreciate you all for the likes, comments and shares!
You make me want to write every single day of my life!
Now, until another interesting comes your way, signing out!✌
Bye bye!

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