

Alhaji: “Yes, go ahead, I am all ears”.

Justina: “I am not the person you think I am…”

She was still talking when a knock on the door caused her to startle. “Who is at the door, alhaji? She asked with fright.

Alhaji: “Shii. Keep your voice down. I think it’s my youngest wife. It’s her turn to sleep in my room today. Get up quickly and run into the bathroom, I will tell her to go and come back later. Be fast, the door is open, she may turn the knob at any time”.

Justina quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom where she locked the door and stood with her back against the door and her heart pounding furiously.

Alhaji: “Yes, who is pounding on the bedroom door of a politician so carelessly? Come right in”.

The door opened and hajiya Hauwa walked in with her son trailing behind her.

Alhaji is shocked beyond words. “What! You? Are you not supposed to be in Zaria with my son? What are you doing here?”

Hajiya Hauwa: “Haba, alhaji. Won’t you allow us enter the room properly before you kill us with questions? Anyway, as soon as we drove past Zuba on our way to Zaria, our son fell asleep. He woke up with a start when we got to Jere and when I asked what the matter was, he said he had a terrible nightmare where he died in an accident shortly before we got to Zaria. I had no choice but to tell the driver to turn back. Meaning trip cancelled and we are back home”.

Alhaji: “Allah yakiya ye. My son cannot die. Allah will not allow that happen. Anyway, it’s a good thing that you cancelled the journey. Go to your room and rest. Make sure my son eats and gets enough rest”.

Yusuf: “No, Baba. I want to stay in your room with you today that you are home”.

Alhaji: “No, son. Go to your room and come back after you rest”.

Yusuf: “But I am not tired, father”.

Alhaji: “Go!” he thundered frightening Yusuf who ran into his room.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Is everything okay, alhaji? You have never screamed at him before. Why does it appear that you look tense?”

Alhaji: “Leave me alone, woman. Being a politician in Nigeria is enough problem, don’t add yours to it”.

Hajiya Hauwa knew better than to remain in the room with Alhaji. She quietly shut the room behind her and left the room without saying a word.

Justina careful not to make any sound opened the door and walked out. “Join me in bed, she is gone to her room”, alhaji said.

Justina: “No, alhaji. I have to go”, she ran out of the room.

Alhaji: “But you wanted to tell me something about my son before the knock on the door”. He called after her.

There was a knock on the door cutting short his speech.

Alhaji: “Who is it again?”

Salma his youngest and most troublesome wife walked in.

Alhaji: “Yes, what can I do for you?”

Salma: “It’s my turn to stay with you today, alhaji. You shouldn’t be asking me what I am doing here”.

Alhaji: “I know it is your turn but it is not night yet so what are you doing here?”

Salma: “Alhaji, I came to talk to you about my daughter, Nana. The fever we have been treating for the past few days is still persisting. I want you to send us to the UK for proper treatment”.

Alhaji: “What! Are you out of your mind or something? A hospital in the UK just to treat fever? In this economic recession? No way. Go to any Nigerian hospital or better still, get traditional medication”.

Salma: “You have changed, alhaji. You and I know that recession is just a word where you are. Ever since your wife gave birth to a son for you, you have abandoned your responsibilities to your other children. What did we do wrong? Are we Allah who gives male children?”

Alhaji: “Are you talking to me in that manner? What has come over you, Salma!”

Alhaji: “I will talk to you in that manner. How many times have you sent your son outside the country for the treatment of common cold since hajiya gave birth to him? Why won’t you do same for my own daughter, or does being a female make her less your child?”

Salma: “I spend my money on whoever I want. My son is the heir to all my fortunes and in due course you all will have to take orders from him if you want to continue living in this house”.

Salma: “I will not take orders from any useless son that was born years after I had my daughters. I am watching you, alhaji. I know that you have been spending on Yusuf’s nanny, Justina. Yes, I know that she is your in-house mistress. If you think I will fold my arms and watch you marry that common maid after me, then you underestimate my powers”.

Alhaji: “I do not owe you any explanation as to what I do with my money or my body. In fact, I am calling the lawyer right away to will everything to my son. And mark my words, I will marry that maid and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it”.

Salma: “You will do no such thing, alhaji. We shall see how that little rat who is called Yusuf will give us orders in this house”.


Justina opened the door and tip toed into the room, careful not to wake Hajiya who she thought was fast asleep. She walked to the wardrobe to keep the clothes the laundry man had brought. She walked back to the door and was about to open it when hajiya’s voice caused her to stop.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Why are you sleeping with Alhaji?”

Justina: “What? I don’t know what you are talking about”.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Will you shut up and tell me the truth you pathetic liar”, she got up from the bed. “You think that I wouldn’t know that you are sleeping with my husband under my roof? You think alhaji is careful enough to cover his tracks well? Oh, you think I didn’t know that you were hiding somewhere in alhaji’s room when I came in with my son this afternoon?”

Justina is shocked and short of words.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Oh, you are surprised? I heard your conversation with Alhaji before I knocked. What was that you wanted to tell him? The truth about Yusuf? You dare not. Do not forget the agreement and blood oath we had when all these started”.

Justina: “But the rooms are sound proof, how did you…?”

Hajiya Hauwa: “I have a device that records Alhaji’s discussions in his room because I dont trust you. I had to do that when I noticed that you were going to him behind my back. Don’t even bother telling him about this, he won’t believe you”.

Justina: “Which agreement, hajiya? You call that one agreement? You took advantage of a poor and homeless naïve girl more than ten years ago and you think that agreement is still binding? No, hajiya. Wake up, times have changed”.

Hajiya Hauwa: “And what do you mean by that?

Justina: “What I mean is that alhaji will know the truth about Yusuf. He has promised to marry me no matter what I tell him and I am sure he will even love me more if he finds out that Yusuf is my son”.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Don’t be stupid Justina. You must be foolish to think that you can breech the agreement and walk away like that. What about the blood convenant?You want to remain barren after you marry Alhaji so he can kick you out? Do you even think that alhaji is serious about marrying you? After you have given him your body? What does he need to marry you for?”

Justina: “We shall see about that. I am going right in there to inform my son and alhaji. I cannot afford to keep this away from my son any longer. No I can’t”.

Hajiya: “Do not forget about the blood oath you took when we had the agreement. You swore that you would remain barren should you ever disclose our secret”.

Justina: “Which oath? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, hajiya. Such things lose their efficacy with time. It is no longer binding on me after ten years. Even if I don’t have another child, I don’t mind, I already have one son and he is all that matters”. She makes to leave for alhaji’s room.

Hajiya: “Come back here, Justina. You can’t do this. The repercussion will be dangerous”.

Justina ignored her and walked out determined to reveal their secret.

Justina ran down the stairs and came face to face with Achema whom the maid was ushering into the sitting room.

Maid: “You are here; this man says he wants to see you”.

Justina: “What! Achema? What are you doing here? I mean how did you find out that I am here? How did you even locate this house?”

Achema: “Which of these questions do you want me to answer? Won’t you at least offer me a seat?”

Question: How did Achema discover Justina’s location? Will Justina make the revelation to alhaji? Will the blood oath affect her? Will hajiya Hauwa allow her go free?

Alhaji: “Yes, go ahead, I am all ears”.

Justina: “I am not the person you think I am…”

She was still talking when a knock on the door caused her to startle. “Who is at the door, alhaji? She asked with fright.

Alhaji: “Shii. Keep your voice down. I think it’s my youngest wife. It’s her turn to sleep in my room today. Get up quickly and run into the bathroom, I will tell her to go and come back later. Be fast, the door is open, she may turn the knob at any time”.

Justina quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom where she locked the door and stood with her back against the door and her heart pounding furiously.

Alhaji: “Yes, who is pounding on the bedroom door of a politician so carelessly? Come right in”.

The door opened and hajiya Hauwa walked in with her son trailing behind her.

Alhaji is shocked beyond words. “What! You? Are you not supposed to be in Zaria with my son? What are you doing here?”

Hajiya Hauwa: “Haba, alhaji. Won’t you allow us enter the room properly before you kill us with questions? Anyway, as soon as we drove past Zuba on our way to Zaria, our son fell asleep. He woke up with a start when we got to Jere and when I asked what the matter was, he said he had a terrible nightmare where he died in an accident shortly before we got to Zaria. I had no choice but to tell the driver to turn back. Meaning trip cancelled and we are back home”.

Alhaji: “Allah yakiya ye. My son cannot die. Allah will not allow that happen. Anyway, it’s a good thing that you cancelled the journey. Go to your room and rest. Make sure my son eats and gets enough rest”.

Yusuf: “No, Baba. I want to stay in your room with you today that you are home”.

Alhaji: “No, son. Go to your room and come back after you rest”.

Yusuf: “But I am not tired, father”.

Alhaji: “Go!” he thundered frightening Yusuf who ran into his room.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Is everything okay, alhaji? You have never screamed at him before. Why does it appear that you look tense?”

Alhaji: “Leave me alone, woman. Being a politician in Nigeria is enough problem, don’t add yours to it”.

Hajiya Hauwa knew better than to remain in the room with Alhaji. She quietly shut the room behind her and left the room without saying a word.

Justina careful not to make any sound opened the door and walked out. “Join me in bed, she is gone to her room”, alhaji said.

Justina: “No, alhaji. I have to go”, she ran out of the room.

Alhaji: “But you wanted to tell me something about my son before the knock on the door”. He called after her.

There was a knock on the door cutting short his speech.

Alhaji: “Who is it again?”

Salma his youngest and most troublesome wife walked in.

Alhaji: “Yes, what can I do for you?”

Salma: “It’s my turn to stay with you today, alhaji. You shouldn’t be asking me what I am doing here”.

Alhaji: “I know it is your turn but it is not night yet so what are you doing here?”

Salma: “Alhaji, I came to talk to you about my daughter, Nana. The fever we have been treating for the past few days is still persisting. I want you to send us to the UK for proper treatment”.

Alhaji: “What! Are you out of your mind or something? A hospital in the UK just to treat fever? In this economic recession? No way. Go to any Nigerian hospital or better still, get traditional medication”.

Salma: “You have changed, alhaji. You and I know that recession is just a word where you are. Ever since your wife gave birth to a son for you, you have abandoned your responsibilities to your other children. What did we do wrong? Are we Allah who gives male children?”

Alhaji: “Are you talking to me in that manner? What has come over you, Salma!”

Alhaji: “I will talk to you in that manner. How many times have you sent your son outside the country for the treatment of common cold since hajiya gave birth to him? Why won’t you do same for my own daughter, or does being a female make her less your child?”

Salma: “I spend my money on whoever I want. My son is the heir to all my fortunes and in due course you all will have to take orders from him if you want to continue living in this house”.

Salma: “I will not take orders from any useless son that was born years after I had my daughters. I am watching you, alhaji. I know that you have been spending on Yusuf’s nanny, Justina. Yes, I know that she is your in-house mistress. If you think I will fold my arms and watch you marry that common maid after me, then you underestimate my powers”.

Alhaji: “I do not owe you any explanation as to what I do with my money or my body. In fact, I am calling the lawyer right away to will everything to my son. And mark my words, I will marry that maid and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it”.

Salma: “You will do no such thing, alhaji. We shall see how that little rat who is called Yusuf will give us orders in this house”.


Justina opened the door and tip toed into the room, careful not to wake Hajiya who she thought was fast asleep. She walked to the wardrobe to keep the clothes the laundry man had brought. She walked back to the door and was about to open it when hajiya’s voice caused her to stop.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Why are you sleeping with Alhaji?”

Justina: “What? I don’t know what you are talking about”.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Will you shut up and tell me the truth you pathetic liar”, she got up from the bed. “You think that I wouldn’t know that you are sleeping with my husband under my roof? You think alhaji is careful enough to cover his tracks well? Oh, you think I didn’t know that you were hiding somewhere in alhaji’s room when I came in with my son this afternoon?”

Justina is shocked and short of words.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Oh, you are surprised? I heard your conversation with Alhaji before I knocked. What was that you wanted to tell him? The truth about Yusuf? You dare not. Do not forget the agreement and blood oath we had when all these started”.

Justina: “But the rooms are sound proof, how did you…?”

Hajiya Hauwa: “I have a device that records Alhaji’s discussions in his room because I dont trust you. I had to do that when I noticed that you were going to him behind my back. Don’t even bother telling him about this, he won’t believe you”.

Justina: “Which agreement, hajiya? You call that one agreement? You took advantage of a poor and homeless naïve girl more than ten years ago and you think that agreement is still binding? No, hajiya. Wake up, times have changed”.

Hajiya Hauwa: “And what do you mean by that?

Justina: “What I mean is that alhaji will know the truth about Yusuf. He has promised to marry me no matter what I tell him and I am sure he will even love me more if he finds out that Yusuf is my son”.

Hajiya Hauwa: “Don’t be stupid Justina. You must be foolish to think that you can breech the agreement and walk away like that. What about the blood convenant?You want to remain barren after you marry Alhaji so he can kick you out? Do you even think that alhaji is serious about marrying you? After you have given him your body? What does he need to marry you for?”

Justina: “We shall see about that. I am going right in there to inform my son and alhaji. I cannot afford to keep this away from my son any longer. No I can’t”.

Hajiya: “Do not forget about the blood oath you took when we had the agreement. You swore that you would remain barren should you ever disclose our secret”.

Justina: “Which oath? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, hajiya. Such things lose their efficacy with time. It is no longer binding on me after ten years. Even if I don’t have another child, I don’t mind, I already have one son and he is all that matters”. She makes to leave for alhaji’s room.

Hajiya: “Come back here, Justina. You can’t do this. The repercussion will be dangerous”.

Justina ignored her and walked out determined to reveal their secret.

Justina ran down the stairs and came face to face with Achema whom the maid was ushering into the sitting room.

Maid: “You are here; this man says he wants to see you”.

Justina: “What! Achema? What are you doing here? I mean how did you find out that I am here? How did you even locate this house?”

Achema: “Which of these questions do you want me to answer? Won’t you at least offer me a seat?”

Question: How did Achema discover Justina’s location? Will Justina make the revelation to alhaji? Will the blood oath affect her? Will hajiya Hauwa allow her go free?

Regen Relationship

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