Follow Who Know Road

A woman shared her marital journey with me and I couldn’t help but wonder, what went wrong?

She is a believer and she married one or so she thought. There were no red flags, Nothing visible at all. If I’m to go by what she shared, she did her due diligence.

They say marry a man who loves God: from all indications, he indeed loved the Lord.

They say marry a man who is teachable: He was a teachable man, he had mentors who he listened to and he was always ready to make amends where necessary.

They say marry a man who loves you and makes you a priority: Love was an understatement. He adored her and made it known to everyone who cared to listen.

These and many more out of the 500 ways to know if he is Mr Right. So you can understand if I say to the best of the information shared, she took her time and did her due diligence.

She herself is an amazing person, who loves the Lord and was even submissive to a fault. So what went wrong? Only God knows.

All of a sudden, the man became very aggressive. He would beat her for coming close to him for a cuddle, he would beat her for apologizing. He would beat her for her inactions. The story goes on and on.

The truth is that in the choice of a life partner, without God, no amount of due diligence can uncover all you need to know about a prospective partner.

My people say Follow who know road, Who can know road more than the WAY himself?

Jesus Christ is the way! Allow Him to lead you because you can never know or see all you need to see, only God sees all, even the deepest part of the heart.

Rely solely on God’s leading and no matter how far gone you are in the relationship even if instituted by God himself, trust Him enough to back out if He says you should. He’s the All-Knowing God.

To the married, now that you’re married is not the time to let down your guard. Stay Connected to God who is able to uphold your marriage.

Remember, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom (*whose marriage) he may devour (1Pet 5:8)

If you are yet to surrender your life to God or you keep going back and forth, you are only complicating matters. I urge you today to yield yourself to Jesus Christ and allow Him to lead you and hold your hands through life’s journey.

Acts 20:32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

Enjoy the rest of the week. Till I come your way again, next Wednesday by His grace.



Written by Olabisi David

Presented by Damilare Mike David

written for REGEN

Regen Relationship

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