When we arrived Canada last year, summer was approaching and everyone was excited. It’s the warm and most exciting season of the year.

As we settled in, our kind host at that time told me that we have to stock up ahead of the winter season. She told me we needed to stock the house with peppers especially our kind of tatashe (what’s the English name?), onions etc because those items are abundant during the summer season but as winter approaches they usually become very hard to come by, if you are able to get at all they would be very expensive and little.

We indeed stocked up and now that the winter season is gradually coming to an end, it feels so good to see that we made it through that season without running out of these essential commodities.

Just like the yearly seasons, there are seasons in the marriage. The winter season can be very cold and lonely, with very limited access to essentials. In marriage, it can be called the difficult season which is characterized by coldness, harshness, and bitterness.

It’s that time that communication seems a little difficult between spouses and there is so much misunderstanding in the air. Winter season for some is that period of lack (finances), the waiting period while trusting God for a miracle, going through a loss, or an emotional breakdown.

The impact of the winter season on a home is determined by how well you are prepared for the season. Many can still experience warmth in the middle of the winter season because they are prepared for it. When life’s challenges get in the way, what keeps the home together and prevents it from tearing apart is your preparedness for the cold days.

How do you prepare for the winter season? Before winter comes, seize every opportunity you get to fill the love tank of your spouse, and let it run over. Sow words of kindness and assurance, this will keep ringing in their hearts even in tough seasons. Serve one another without holding back. Be a good communicator. Build lovely memories together

Two homes may face the same challenging situation, one survives and the other falls apart. The difference is in their preparedness for the tough season.

If you have more than enough, the winter season would go by quickly and your home remains unshaken.

I pray for every home in their winter season, may the Lord come through for you, give you peace, and restore love and joy into your home in Jesus’ name. Amen.



Written by Olabisi David

Presented by Damilare Mike David

written for REGEN

Regen Relationship

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