Written by Olabisi David

written for REGEN


We are all familiar with the chants of ‘awwww’ or ‘goals😍😍😍‘ under posts of good looking couples, firebrand couples or any couple serving us hot hot.

It’s another end of the year and while I particularly don’t encourage anyone to wait till a year ends before making necessary amends, this is a good time to audit your marriage and relationship.

We often assess many other areas of our lives in a time like this leaving out our emotional life. You have your 2022 goals for your career, finances and even your ministry. Don’t limit it to that.Evaluate your marriage and write down your goals for that marriage in the coming year. Yes, I know it’s in your head but write it down.Its not enough to scream goals under lovers’ posts here and thereπŸ˜†πŸ˜„

Do you desire to be extra kind to your spouse? To be more intentional about making her smile? To ensure you both pray together without fail everyday? To go on at least one vacation together? To stop doing that one thing your spouse kept complaining about all year round? To be more loving to your in-laws? To reduce fighting times to the barest minimum?

These and many more are goals.Get your spouse, sit together and discuss how the year was for your love life and what you both will do going forward to make it better. Write it down, if possible, paste it in a corner of your room and revisit it from time to time. We must never stop putting in the effort to make our relationships and marriages better because it can get better than it currently is.

On a final note, here we are saying a big thank you to everyone who has encouraged our ministry this year. Your participation, your likes, your comments, your shares, your suggestions, your testimonies and corrections, have made us better and we feel so blessed to serve you. Cheers to even a more beautiful year ahead, full of love and blessings. We love you a great deal and we never cease to pray for you. Remain blessed.

P.S: Help me tell King D to stop squeezing face when I ask for a picture. He knew what he was signing up for when he married a picture lover, why is he suddenly frowning face when I ask him to take a picture of me or when I ask us to take a picture together? Is it because 3 pictures are never enough? What’s bad in that? I need like 10 so I can have plenty to choose from. Damilare Mike David Take your sub and repent in the new year, abeg!πŸ€ͺ😝#relationtipwednesday#regenrelationship

Till next Wednesday by His grace.

#relationtipwednesday #regenrelationship

May be an image of 2 people and indoor

Regen Relationship

Do you think love is overrated & complex? Care to improve your love life & marriage? Are You Constantly Experiencing Heart Break or Marital Issues? Are you about getting married soon & you need Counseling? Not to worry, #REGENrelationship Is Here To Help you simplify your love journey. WEBSITE: ALL OUR SOCIAL MEDIA LINK IN ONE PLACE: We're Damilare & Olabisi David, simply call us Mr & Mrs Regen We're Relationship, Marriage & Sex Coaches For over 8 years of running Regen Relationship Clinic, we've helped people make the best out of their love lives & saved them from looming dangers On this channel, Expect Videos on; -Choosing a marriage partner -Courtship and Dating rules -Pleasurable Sex in marriage -Relationship and Marriage counselling - Our marriage and love life (the ups and downs) Don't forget to subscribe to our channel & turn on the bell notifications so you don't miss any of our videos every Sunday by 5pm

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